This story is part of a
These scenarios were inspired by the concept of combining a rape-fantasy with complicit voyeurism. The idea of being ravished while someone else just watches and lets it happen amplifies how exciting the fantasy feels because it adds another layer of “entrapment” to the situation. Nobody is going to help you escape because everybody wants it to happen.
I also made these stories to explore ways to create and use animations in my stories since I has just finished programming an animated portrait system for my textboxes.
This is the second story I created. Their plots are intentionally similar because I thought it would be interesting to compare a few different approaches. Making sprite animation in the lowest practical quality VS highest possible quality. And the difference between how I handle male characters and female characters.
Let’s tackle the technical challenges first. I could have theoretically pushed the quality even higher with techniques like anti-aliasing, but I didn’t want to spend an eternity making these animations, so this actually just ended up being a step up rather than representing the absolute limits of my sprite-making skills. But I still learned some interesting techniques from these challenges.
First was dealing with inconsistency. After I had the flat-color animations “done” they clashed with the fully shaded talking portraits…
… So I had a choice. Either simplify the portraits to match the animations, or shade the animations to match the portraits.
Since the Bunny Picnic story represented the ambitious high-quality approach, I decided to shade all of its animations. But shading a single image already takes awhile, how do I shade an entire animation? And more importantly how do I make the shading consistent? The only way to find out was to just dive in.
As expected, the result was inconsistent with some flickering shading. But it actually turned out better than I expected it to.
So I went back and spent half an hour fixing the shading.
The problem was that fixing the shading took longer than adding it in the first place! It took 22 minutes to create okay flickery results, but an hour to create good consistent results. I’m not sure I liked that trade-off. I figured I might be able to shave that down slightly by being a little more careful while adding the shading, but then I remembered another trick I discovered a long time ago while making
This worked much better than I expected! I didn’t even have to shade every little difference, just the biggest most noticeable parts. The frame-unique shading only required about 4 brush strokes. Which means there were only 4 parts to adjust when the frames didn’t quite match up. And with a little masking the combined result looks convincing enough to trick the eye into thinking that the shading is fully animated.
The other half of this experiment was comparing the differences in how I treat male and female characters in the same role. To examine this, I created two versions of the same story. One with a boy and one with a girl.