This is a story about a princess outgrowing ALL of her shirts!
This was inspired by another story I was making. Marle kept losing her shirt and it was such a fun concept I just had to make a story around it. But after I finished making the Princess’s first batch of mischief, I had to think awhile before anything resembling a plot came to mind. The ending was the hardest part to figure out. It took a few brainstorming sessions before I came up with a satisfying ending. Ironically, the final montage through the town was actually the easiest part to figure out. Just take all the remaining loose ends and show what happens to each character.
Music Used
unknown composer
Exciting Chase
Shin Megami Tensei II (SNES)
Fairy Plan
Main Theme
Candy Candy anime
Goofy Princess
Magic Duel
Brandish (SNES)
RPG Maker 95 midi file
Royal Ceremony
Stage 5
Inspector Gadget (SNES)
Title image based on
Created by: Mink