This is a little self-playing story I whipped up over the past couple days. It was one of those times where inspiration hit and everything just fell into place.
I didn’t draw the picture in the title screen. I only did the programming. It was created in my custom
RPG Maker
While the situation and story is nothing groundbreaking, what’s important is how it’s told. This actually turned out to be one of my better scenarios. I think it’s because of the methodical approach I used this time.
The idea was spontaneous, and I just let the ideas flow. Events popped up in my mind and I just wrote them down as a sequence. Then afterwords, I placed the characters as they would look at each moment, added dialog and movement, and it was done. Now that I think about it, the approach was sort of like key-framing in animation.
- List the events (as comments in the script)
- Create / import maps
- Under each comment, place the characters as they would appear at that moment
- Add dialog and movement
Title image based on
Created by: Sakaki Naomoto