I felt like making another Renamon sprite. For this one I went with an old SexyFur classic.
Main Inspiration
Created by: Jeremy Bernal
I decided to try a slightly different approach this time. Instead of figuring out the entire palette at the beginning, I started with just 2 shades of each color I wanted to use. Why? 2 reasons. I tend to use only a single color when body parts overlap each other to keep things from getting confusing. And it’s hard to know exactly which colors I’ll need until I start adding shadows and anti-aliasing.
I find it’s best to do those things last. It’s a waste of effort to try to anti-alias the sprite while outlining it because you’re going to go back later to make adjustments anyway. So why do it twice? Limiting the colors also encourages me to outline the sprite using a single color which tends to look better. Lately I’ve started to feel like broken outlines just don’t look that good on large sprites. The broken line is too noticeable.
Images Used
Reference Monster
Created by: Everyone Else
Created by: Jeremy Bernal
A Foot
Created by: Karina Farek
Boobs of Brilliance
Created by: Shuten Douji
A Helping Hand
Created by: Tnsrk612
Created by: Unknown artist
Left Arm
Created by: A random stock photo
Right Arm
Created by: A random stock photo