HTTPS Can't Hide This

why encryption doesnt work for static websites

# HTTPS never hides the website itself, so everybody can see when you visit . And this site looks exactly the same for everybody. So the encryption seems almost pointless.

#Why is it pointless?

# Because this is a static website. Everybody who visits a page sees the exact same thing, so they don’t have to crack your encryption to know what this website looks like.

# I could have turned on HTTPS encryption a long time ago, but it always seemed pointless for a static website.

# And encrypting DNS doesn’t hide which website you’re visiting because your internet service provider still needs to know which server you want to connect to, otherwise it can’t connect you to it.

#“Almost” pointless?

# Well it turns out if you visit then the “furryporn” part will be hidden. But… just look at my website. Everything on here is porn!

# Somebody asked me to enable HTTPS. It was trivial to turn it on so why not? I suppose hiding the exact pages couldn’t hurt, but I kind of feel like this is security theater giving people a false sense of safety, so I’m adding this post. Somehow this doesn’t really feel like enough.