#Making Plans
# I’m two-thirds of the way through my one-week vacation. Let’s finally get something done.

# The front and side walk-animations are already done. I won’t forgive myself if I don’t finish this.

# Atari time!

# WWSD. “What Would Squaresoft Do?”

# I hang these up as “attractor modes” for my projects, to try to entice myself to work on them… it doesn’t work.
#Walking the Walk
# Making the dots walk.

# When her legs are apart, that’s when she sinks down.

# I know I’m getting ahead of myself, but we all know this pose is definitely gonna be all about dat ass.

# Okay, it won’t stick out THAT far.

# Dat ass has gotta follow dat kneecap.

# Connecting the dots. I’ll have to adjust the position of the knees later.

# Well this certainly looks… rough.

# She looks like she’s climbing a ladder. How do I fix this??

# WWMD. What Would Marle Do?

# Gotta rein-in those loony-toon knees. Just… keep going. It’s gotta start looking good sooner or later.

# It looks… not terrible. Is she still climbing a ladder? I don’t… think so??

#Gotta Hand it to Her
# Where are we putting her hands? Her other poses had them both in front of her, but that would look weird from the back. Maybe just go with a normal walk-cycle for this one?

# Ooh! What if she has a hand on her hip? That kind of looks like “thinking”

# I also like how it emphasizes the movement of her hips and butt. It’s the only eye-candy we have in this animation. Might as well make the most of it.

# Maybe I can make a “thinking” pose after all.

# Maybe the upper torso should move too? Marle’s shoulders swing to counter the hips.

# … Not really the personality I was going for.

#Finishing Touches
# Time to shade dat ass. But after adjusting the feet again she suddenly looks too short.

# Only one thing to do… stretch it out!

# It looks better if I give her hand on her hip a finger-curl.

# Now that I know what the arms are doing, let’s shade them.

# I tried to give her a “finger waggle” but it looks like she’s beckoning instead.

# Maybe if I “tap” the whole hand? That does look better. But I’m not sure if it looks like “thinking.”

# Wait, what if I combine them? Just bring the hand closer and then tap? Maybe. Not sure…. Does it still look like beckoning?

#Chasing Tail
# I hate to do it, but we gotta add the tail. Good bye ass.

# OR! … Maybe I could just…

# It moves like a pit-bull’s stubby tail now. But I suppose it does look “tighter.”

# What if I just… slightly move the tail out of the way on some of the frames?

# Okay, I think we got something here!

# Whoops! I almost forgot… she has hair.

# I changed my mind again. Let’s go with the finger-tap after all.

#The Result
# Welp, I’m all outta things to do to this so I guess it’s done!