This downloads and sorts pictures into artist folders
For modern browsers, I recommend using an extension called Racoony instead. It supports more art websites and more browsers.
Inkbunny Downloader is an old Firefox Extension that works in versions 56 and earlier (September 2017). It also works in newer forks of Firefox that maintain support for “XUL” extensions such as Pale Moon and Basilisk
#Current Version:
#Source Code
Firefox extensions are actually just ZIP files with a .XPI extensions, so downloading the extension also downloads the JavaScript source code.
This is a Firefox extension that adds a download link under each picture. Clicking on that link will automatically create a folder for that picture’s artist and download the picture into it, all without even leaving the browser. This also works for stories, flash animations, music… everything. A second download link is also placed next to the artist’s name at the top for convenience. Both links do exactly the same thing.
There’s also a setting in the options to have Inkbunny submissions download automatically as soon as you view their page. This is particularly helpful for downloading comics.
This extension also adds an “Open folder” link next to each artist’s name at the top of the page, so you can open that artist’s folder and see the files you downloaded.
#How to Install
Click the download link at the top-right area of this page
Allow Firefox to install the Inkbunny Downloader extension
Open the Add-ons menu
Click on “Extensions”
Scroll down until you see “Inkbunny Downloader. Click the “Options” button
Next to the words “Download Folder” click the “Browse” button
Navigate to a folder on your harddrive, go inside it, and then click the “Select Folder” button

#How to Use
Click the “download” link underneath the picture

Click the “Open folder” link next to the artist’s name

I’ve wanted to make this for a long time now. One thing I always liked about FurAffinty was the FurAffinity Extender extension created by AndrewNeo. But there was no extension like that for InkBunny, so I finally sat down and created one.