I’ve always had a soft-spot for classic Amy Rose. The idea of a love-struck Sonic fangirl struggling with her puberty as she writes to Sonic always seemed much more interesting and original than modern Amy whose personality just seemed like a generic anime trope to me.
But I like to imagine a more exaggerated version of this. What if she wasn’t just love-sick for Sonic but downright feral with puberty. An encourageable little pervert. This picture by Nek0gami captured this personality perfectly.
Created by: Nek0gami
That’s all well and good, but the angle of this front-view would completely hide her back quills. They’d have to stick out from the side at a weird angle or she might look bald.
I was struggling with this until I saw Pollo-chan’s approach. Just make ’em longer! … Much longer.
Hair Idea
Created by: Pollo-Chan
So I traced over Gami’s pose and made some changes. Maybe curl her ears up like devil horns. Instead of the meticulous vector tracing I often do, I decided to just play it loose and shrink my sketch down and trace over it in Aseprite. Then I shaded it in Photoshop and reduced the palette. But this time I decided to try skipping most of the dithering. It would save colors but also come at the cost of obscuring a lot of detail. The result does look nicer and less noisy but I had to crank the palette all the way up to 50. It’s hard to reuse colors when she has a garish multi-colored outfit.