I used my random idea generator and landed on this combination.
Created by: SlashySmiley
The idea is pretty straightforward. Little Red Ridinghood surrounded by wolves in the forest. But it’s still a fun idea. However I’ve never made a picture with 3 characters. I did one with
2 characters
not too long ago and it took a massive amount of effort. But this idea is way too good to pass up so I guess I’ll just have to roll up my sleeves and dive in!
Now she can’t really be surrounded in the woods… without the woods. But they’re not exactly the main attraction, so I’m just gonna half-ass the background by finding a photo and shoving it through PixelLover. Sure it won’t look as good as proper pixel-art but I don’t think anybody’s going to mind.
But… the only forest picture I can find with enough ground area and something resembling the correct angle is way too sunny and cheerful, so let’s just grab a brush and re-do the shading with a very heavy vignette to set the proper mood. It’s amazing what a little shading can do.
Maybe I should separate the green and brown colors so it more closely resembles my style of pixel art. It might seem more garish than the original photo but I’m hoping it’ll blend with my sprites better. So here’s the Frankenstein reference I put together for this.

Not too many people are drawing wolves. At least not very well. So I guess I’ll use photo reference. But all these fuzzy wolves are going make the vector tracing very tricky. I kind of have to guess where the shapes end.
It’s very tempting to jump straight to drawing Ridinghood’s sprite, but if I do that I might not be motivated to draw the wolves afterwards, so I’ll make myself start with them first.
I’ll be honest I kind of surprised myself. I didn’t expect the wolf to come out this good!

The final picture looks nice enough but I didn’t have much room to show Ridinghood’s facial expression or bodily details. Maybe I should have started with her sprite after all. The wolves took a lot of work so at this point I really don’t want to resize the shapes and re-draw everything.