Animal/f ==================== Backing up, she bumped into a tree. The wolves surrounded her. She pulled her small riding cloak tight around her bare breasts. Just then, she jumped into the bushes. The branches got thicker as she crawled under them. Then one got caught on her riding hood. Her feet slipped helplessly against the dirt as she struggled to move forward. ------------------------------------------- That morning, Little Red Riding Hood stepped out of the house. A spring breeze blew past her small skirt, tickling her bare pussy. She shivered at the sensation. A woman stood behind her, "Put this on dear." "Okay Mommy." replied Red, as she put on the short riding hood. Her mother tied the laces and tucked them between her breasts. "Do you remember where the picnic area is?" Red nodded, "Yup! It's deep in the forest!" "And what should you do if you see a wolf?" Red thought a moment, "Lie flat on the ground and don't move! That way, they won't notice me!" Her mother nodded. Pulling up her thigh stockings, Little Red Riding Hood skipped into the woods. ------------------------------------------- Remembering this, Little Red relaxed. She spread her arms and legs and tried to lie as flat as possible. Something cold sniffed at her thighs. She didn't move. ------------------------------------------- Little Red Riding Hood had skipped off the main path. Arriving at a small clearing, Red opened her picnic basket. She caught a hint of a strange purfume her mother had placed inside it. This caught the attention of a nearby bunny who lifted its nose to sniff the air. She pulled out a large green bottle, as the rabbit eyed her. "Man, I'm thirsty!" She filled a cup, and took a big gulp. Feeling dizzy, she sat down. ------------------------------------------- Little Red couldn't really remember what happened after that. She closed her eyes and thought about it, as a large paw pressed against her skirt. ------------------------------------------- When Little Red Riding Hood woke up, the rabbit was nowhere to be found. Groggily, she put the cup away and noticed something hot dripping from her pussy. She stood up, but her knees felt weak. Wiping away the dampness, she suddenly realized the sun was setting. Red stumbled toward the path, as wolves howled in the distance. ------------------------------------------- Little Red opened her eyes as something tickled between her legs. Under the thick leaves, she couldn't see what was happening. But she knew she was safe, and relaxed under the heavy weight pressing down on her back. Just then, something warm slid deep into her pussy. Back home, a woman touched herself as the frantic moaning of a young girl echoed through the trees. Her daughter was going to be late again.