#Training Tails
# F/m Vanilla/Tails Sally/Tails Bunnie/Tails Cream/Tails Lupe/Tails
# A delightful shiver ran up Tails’ spine as he stood by the path, mesmerized. His eyes followed the bouncing motion as Bunnie heaved the timbers onto her shoulder. The slow swaying with each of her footsteps. The smooshing as her chest collided with his face. “Oh, sorry bout that sugah. I was sure you saw me comin’,” she giggled, “But you were just staring off inta’ space, weren’t ya?” Bunnie grinned and lifted the boy’s chin. “I’m up here, kiddo.” “Oh.” Tails gulped, “Sorry, I was just.” The woman ruffled his hair, “Aw you don’t gotta say nothin.” “Can’t blame a boy for bein a boy, am I right?” “Huh?” Tails’ whole body felt like it was tingling. She winked at him and walked past.
# A moment later she called back. “Oh and ya might wanna take care of your little friend down there.” Pulling his eyes away, the boy blushed as he noticed the erection between his legs.

# The dining hut bustled with activity. Sally poured some soup into Bunnie’s bowl. “Ya might wanna get that boy a cold drink.” Tails squirmed in his seat at the table across from them. “They grow up fast, dont they?” “Getting plenty tall down there!” The two women giggled. “Ya know. He looks lonely said Bunnie with a wink.” Tails snapped out of his thoughts as Sally’s bowl clumped down on the table next to him. “Hello Tails. Having a good day?” “Um, yeah. Pretty good.” Clump. He felt Bunnie’s cold thigh brush up against his other leg. “Hope you don’t mind me sittin here, sugah.” The boy blushed, “N-no… I don’t… mind.” With a soft chuckle, Sally partly unzipped her vest and gently blew into her spoon. Tails glanced up at the woman’s lips. The soup’s really good today. The boy sheepishly glanced up at Bunnie’s tongue sliding across her mouth. Suddenly he felt Sally’s warm shoulder push up against his arm. “You sure are quiet today,” she grinned. “Y-Yeah um, well…” “Nah, he’s just in a really good mood. Ant’cha Tails?” Bunnie winked at him. Tails’ cheeks burned. “Um, e-excuse me.” The two women laughed as he stumbled away, holding his hands between his legs.
# He stumbled through he trees behind knothole village. The setting sun made it hard to find his hut. He didn’t usually go back here, but he was trying not to be seen. After some walking he saw the familiar glow of the window and stepped inside. “Oh, I wasn’t expecting you Tails.” The boy blinked. Why was Vanilla in his- oh wait. “Are you here to see Cream? I’ll go get he-” “No! Um I mean. I just-” The bunny woman smiled at him warmly, “You don’t usually come to see me.” “Uh yeah. I just thought I should visit… more often.” He wasn’t sure he could admit he got lost in their own village. For just a moment, the woman glanced down at something. “You’re such a sweetheart. Do you want some tea?”
# Tails sighed in his seat as the warm drink calmed is nerves. There was a faint clink as Vanilla set down her cup. “So, you wanted my help?” Tails blinked. He wasn’t sure what she meant. “Honestly I’m flattered. It’s been awhile since anybody showed any interest in me.” “Huh? But you’re really nice Vanilla.” “Oh Tails!” The woman rubbed her blushing cheek. Slipping out of her seat she knelt down beside him. “Here, I think I can take care of this.” The boy shivered as her warm fingers gently cupped his balls. “W-What are you-” “Don’t worry sweetie,” She gave him a warm smile. “I’ve done this before you know.” Tails squirmed in the chair as Vanilla skillfully coaxed a bead of precum out of his penis. With a gentle kiss, she wicked it away. The boy blinked in surprise. “Er, what did you just- er, why did you-” The woman giggled. “Oh you can’t really blame me for being a little curious.” “Especially after you offered me something like this.” She squeezed him playfully. Tails tried to pull away but Vanilla pulled him close, planting a kiss on his mouth. “Mmmm!” His surprised moan was muffled as she swirled her tongue. He reeled from the sensation. Intense tingling tickled his balls. Tails gasped as Vanilla pulled away from his lips. “Aaaallmost done,” She cooed. “Just a little more.” With a shudder, white goo suddenly shot out between her fingers. His body went limp, falling into her arms. The bunny woman gently brushed aside his hair. “There you go. All better!” “Guh!” Tails was in a daze. What just happened?? But he was too stunned to speak. Calmly she helped him onto his feet and wiped her fingers on a handkerchief. “Say hello to Sally for me.”

# The cool night air felt nice on his face as Tails walked home. Everything felt so serene and clear. But even as his thoughts settled, he still didn’t understand what Vanilla did. Or why. It was clearly a misunderstanding. He looked down at his dripping penis. … Or was it? The embarrassing stiffness was gone now. Maybe she understood the situation after all? But he didn’t. He needed answers.
# “You need a bath.” Sally blushed as she stared at the dripping boy standing in her doorway. Tails shuffled his feet awkwardly. “So, um, I wanted to ask you about- woah!” The woman grabbed his hand as she pulled him outside.
# Stopping by the river she dipped a wash cloth into the trickling water. “I know this will be a little uncomfortable, but bear with me.” “Erk!” Tails’ whole body went stiff as the cold damp cloth wrapped around his member. The penis started growing in Sally’s palm. She tried not to blush. Then she saw Tails blushing adorably and she couldn’t help smiling. “I bet it feels good now.” Tails nodded silently. The soft cloth was soothing. She squeezed. “Ooh!” The woman chuckled at his surprised moan. “Does that feel good too?” He nodded again. After a moment, Sally stopped. Dipping the cloth into the water and sat down on the riverbank and wiped the cool water over her forehead. “I think I need to calm down.” Glancing at Tails she stared at the penis sticking up right next to her face. She could still smell his cum. She bit her lip, lost in thought. Tails blinked down at her. “What is it?” Sally looked up at him for a minute. “You’ve… Never masturbated before, have you?” The boy blinked. “Um, what is masro, er mas-u-baton?” She laughed. “Masturbation” she corrected. With a sigh she smiled at him warmly and patted her thigh. Tails snuggled into her lap. Her heart melted. He was ridiculously cute like this. Sally hugged him for a moment and ran her fingers through his hair. “So… What is mas- mister-baton?” “Oh, right! So um…” She loosened her hug and one of her hands slowly slid down between the boy’s legs. “How should I explain this?” Tails shivered as she wrapped her cold fingers around his stiff shaft. “Hee hee! It feels funny!” “E-Exactly! But in a good way. So um…” She began rubbing “It can be fun to rub it like… this.” “Aaahh…” “I-It feels… R-Really good now!” There was a goofy smile on his face. Sally grinned and started pumping him. “Agh… Ooh!” She went faster. Tails was squirming in her lap. She started squeezing. The boy started humping her hand. Sally kept stroking and Tails kept thrusting. She bit her lip as she felt his penis trembling in her hand. “It won’t be long now.” “W-Wha?” Panted Tails. His tongue was hanging out now. Suddenly his whole body went tense as fox jizz shot out into the river. Sally squeezed and pulled. “Ooh!” Another stream of goo splashed the water. She continued massaging the penis between her thumb and finger while warm cum dribbled down all over her hand. Tails collapsed back against her, gasping for breath. “And, um… so that’s how you masturbate.” She had almost forgotten this was supposed to be a lesson. “W-Wow…”

# The next morning, Tails woke with his quilt poking up in front of him. The tingling was back. He crossed his legs. Then flopped over onto his belly. The warm penis twitched underneath him, slightly damp. Toes curling, he sat up on the side of his bed, and tried to think. “I think… I think I need to find Sally.” But Sally’s bedroom was empty. Tails covered himself and ran out the door. Sure enough the town’s central hut was abuzz with activity. He heard voices. Debating strategy. Arguing about escape routes. The boy put his hand on the doorhandle, but stopped. He wasn’t a freedom fighter yet, so he wasn’t allowed in here. Sally’s voice echoed in the room. “We don’t need a daring escape, Sonic! We need stealth! We don’t WANT Robotnik to know we’re sabotaging the oil pumps, otherwise he won’t try to use them.” Hopping from one foot to the other, Tails tried to wait for the meeting to finish. “No, we don’t have enough bombs for that! We have to use the pumps. If they catch fire it will destroy the entire factory for us.” Tails felt warm liquid leaking out under his palm. He couldn’t wait any longer. He needed to find someone else.
# Bunnie yawned as she sat up in her bed. She glanced at the sun outside her window. “Oh my stars! I’m late fer tha meetin!” Just then the door burst open. “Oh, hey there sugah-Tails. Lemme guess. Sally sent ya’ll to come get me.” “I-I need to masturbate.” “Oh my!” That was NOT the message Bunnie was expecting him to deliver. “Er, well you go right ahead sugah. Don’t let ‘ol Bunnie stop you.” The woman was about to leave, but before she could even stand up Tails snuggled into her lap. “Aw! Do you want a big ‘ol Bunnie-hug first?” But as she wrapped her arms around the boy, he grabbed her right hand and pulled it onto his crotch. She could feel it throbbing under her fingers. The woman grinned. “Oh I see. The ‘ol masturbatin’ jus ain’t doin it fer ya.” She got to her feet, leaving him on the bed. “Huh? Why did you sto- Mmm!!” She planted a kiss on his mouth, swirling her tongue around his. A moment later she released his lips. The boy lay there panting, dazed and confused about what just happened. Bunnie eyed his erection twitching in the air. “It looks like this lil guy needs some love.” The next thing Tails knew, she was climbing over him. “W-Wait, Bunnie. What are you-” Panicking, he reached in front of him. The woman blushed as the boy’s hand mashed into her breast. “Well, if ya’ll insist sugah-Tails.” Biting her lip, she yanked down her top. He stared in amazment as her large breasts spilled out in front of him. Without another word Bunnie hugged him close. The boy blushed between her cleavage. Reaching behind her, the woman leaned back. “Mmm!” Tails jumped in surprise as he felt her pussy sliding down his penis. Slish slish Bunnie gently stroked his forehead as she rode him. “There lil guy, does that feel better?” “Aah!” Moaned the boy. She grinned, “I’ll take that fer a big ‘ol yes!” Looking up, all he could see was the woman’s breasts swinging over his face as she started fucking him faster. He tried to shove her off with his hips, but that only buried him deeper inside. “I bet it feels pretty amazin’ fer yer first time, eh Tails?” The boy flailed helplessly under her. He could hear her heavy panting. After awhile, he gave up trying to out-muscle Bunnie and just stopped struggling. Slish slish slish His hips twitched instinctively against her thrusts while her nipples tickled his face. Blushing, he watched her boobs swaying up and down. Eventually Bunnie finished having her fun with him and pulled away. Dazed, Tails lay on the bed, legs twitching as small spurts of cum dribbled onto his balls. “Golly Tails, ah do declah! Ya’ll sure are a hot mess!” She giggled and kissed him on the forehead “Feel free to visit yer aunt Bunnie anytime yer needin’ a good cuddlin’.” Then she left.

# Tails stumbled out of the hut, panting. “There you are!” Cream’s cheerful voice caught him off guard. “I was bored and mom said we should take a walk, but then I wanted to have a picnic, so she asked if we should invite anybody, but everyone else is busy at the boring meeting, so-” Vanilla casually walked up the path, not even trying to keep up with her daughter. “Hello dear. We were just going for a walk and-” She glanced down at him, then winked. “Still feeling horny?” Cream blinked at his dripping penis and looked up. “Mom, what does “horny” mean?” The woman chuckled, “It just means he’s happy.” “It does?” wondered tails. He had not heard that word before. The woman ruffled his hair. “Don’t be ashamed dearie. It’s all part of growing up.” Tails felt a tickling on his balls as the girl poked at it. “Why are you all wet?” He tried to cover himself. “Because he’s horny.” Her mother pulled the boy’s hand away and held it as they walked. He felt Cream’s fingers on him. “Hee hee! They’re so bouncy!” She started playing with his balls in her palm. “So would you like to come to our picnic Tails?” The boy tried to ignore the tickling. “Er, w-well. I guess that might be n-nice…” The woman knelt down. “Be gentle with those, hun. Here try rubbing this instead.” She placed Cream’s hand onto his shaft, then looked up at him. “There’s a nice clearing by the river. It’s one of our favorite picnic spots.” The boy’s legs shivered as the girl squeezed him. “I packed some extra sandwiches in case anybody else wanted to join us.” “I made the peanut butter and jelly ones.” Boasted Cream. Her mother stood up and the girl followed behind her, pulling Tails along with her. “Mom made meatball and cheese sandwiches, but she says I’m not old enough to use the oven. Does Sally let you use the oven?” “U-Um… s-sometimes.” Her fingers were still wrapped around his dick. “We also made cookies. Would you like one?” Tails’ eyes lit up. Vanilla’s cookies were always amazing. He eagerly nodded. She held open the basket. He grabbed a peanut butter cookie and happily wolfed it down. The woman giggled at him. “These are my favorite.” He swallowed the rest of it. “I’m always uh, horny to have some.” She blushed. “Oh my! Maybe I should bake these more often.” Cream hopped excitedly. “I helped! I got ALL the ingredients.” The boy stumbled as Cream squeezed him. “Hey mom, his thingie is getting hard.” Her mother glanced back with a chuckle. “He’s just horny, dear.” “Ooh, I bet this will make you happy!” The girl started rubbing him. “Erk!” Her mother paused for a moment and looked for the picnic spot. “Hey mom. There’s wet stuff coming out.” Vanilla opened the basket and handed him another cookie. “Does it feel good?” The boy squirmed. The tingling felt amazing. He didn’t know what to say, so he just nodded. She knelt down next to him. “Here Cream. Let me show you something every boy likes.” “Ooh! What else? What else?” The woman’s fingers wrapped tightly around and she started pumping him. Tails shivered from the sensation. She gave him a warm hug and pulled him close against her. “Okay Creamie, stand back.” Her other hand reached around and tickled under his balls. The boy could barely stand. Suddenly his penis erupted. “Eee!” Cream giggled as a spurt of white cum shot out in front of her. “Boys love it when you do that.” Tails collapsed into her arms. “Are you still horny, dearie?” His head was spinning. “I’m… not sure…” “Hee hee! I guess we did it right then.” “Hello Vanilla.” Sally and Bunnie stepped out of the doorway of the meeting hut. Vanilla wiped off her fingers with a hankerchief. “Hi Sally. Did you want to join our picnic?” She shook her head. “Not today. We have a mission in Robotropolis.” “Lemmie try! Lemmie try!” Cream grabbed at Tails’s dick. The sky was spinning above him. Vanilla picked up her basket. “Why don’t you two take a few snacks then?” She handed Bunnie a peanut butter cookie. “Why won’t it go up?” Her mother took Cream’s hand. “Boys need some time to recover from how good it feels.” Bunnie laughed, “They’re so cute at that age, ain’t they?” “Having fun, Tails?” Sally chuckled, “Oh can I have a cookie, Vanilla?” Tails was left behind on the dirt path as the girls walked away chatting.

# Later that evening, there was a rumbling sound. The freedom fighters ran up a hill to watch the lights in the distance. Tails gulped. Even from here the explosion looked huge. But a second later he heard the familiar sound of Sonic streaking into the village. “That factory is history!” They all cheered. Sally climbed off his arm and gave him a kiss. “You know… that mission wasn’t easy,” she teased, “Maybe you should stop by my hut for a little… rest?” “Nah! I’m more than ready to sock it to ‘ol Buttnik!” She blushed with frustration. “Sonic! I am inviting you to-” But the hedgehog didn’t wait. He lept into the air triumphantly and sped over to the cafeteria. “C’mon everybody. The chilidogs are on me!” The woman glanced down at her open vest, sighed, and zipped it back up. Tails stared at her. Her chest always looked bigger when she closed her vest.
# That night Sally sat on his bed, reading a book to him. Tails wasn’t really paying attention to the story. The zipper was pulled tight between her breasts. He wondered if she had trouble getting it up the rest of the way. The woman glanced down at the stiff object poking the sheets. She turned the page. The boy shivered as her fingers casually started massaging him through the fabric. “… And then the wicked witch stole the magic toothpick.” He panted, “W-What does the magic toothpick do?” “It turns people… into stone!!” Tails giggled. Unzipping her vest, Sally snuggled in next to him. “The next day. The prince set sail for her evil island…” The boy glanced at her stiff nipples under the open vest. “… But her flying monkeys tore the sails to pieces.” Hugging him close her hand reached under the sheets. He could feel her fingers tracing his balls. “The prince grabbed his sword and slaughtered all the monkeys. Then he made new sails out of their bloody wings.” “Uh huh…” Tails wasn’t really listening. Her hand was pumping him now. “… The ship’s cannons tore a hole in the witch’s castle.” “Mmm…” “… Shrapnel tearing her head off…” “Uh huh…” Sally bit her lip and glanced over at him. He stared at the ceiling wistfully. With a smile she clapped the book shut and pulled the blanket open. “What happened next?” mumbled tails. She grinned and sat up. “The princess was so overjoyed she gave the prince… a blowjob.” “A what? MMMmm!!” He suddenly felt her tongue slide around his dick. The boy curled his toes and arched his back as she suckled him. After awhile she stopped, giggling at the goofy look on his face. Tails squeezed his legs together desperately while his penis twitched in the air. Sally slid onto her back. “Your turn.” she smiled. The boy blinked, “Huh? Oh um…” She spread her knees. The boy climbed over and snuggled against her. “Mmm…” she moaned. Her vest fell open, revealing the two breasts on either side of his face. A hand on his shoulder pushed Tails down. “Lick me… down here,” she panted. He stared at her pussy, “L-Lick you??” “It’s only fair.” she smiled. His cock still twitched. Her licking had felt amazing. Would this really feel the same way for her? He stuck out his tongue and Sally eagerly pushed his head down. The taste was bizarre. The boy slid his tongue all the way up and Sally’s legs shivered. “MMmm!!” lick lick “Aahhh…” She started squirming under him. Tails couldn’t help grinning.

# The next day, Tails woke to find the bed empty. “Must be another mission,” he yawned. Stepping outside, he saw a new freedom fighter in the town. The wolf woman wore a tight leotard. The boy blushed as he watched her walk to the meeting hut. Suddenly he felt a metal hand pat his back. “Mornin’ Tails. Want some breaskfast?” He pointed at the woman. “Oh you remember Wolf Pack, don’cha? She’s one o tha freedom fighters from the Forbidden Zone.”
# Tails sat at a table and eyed the oatmeal. “Hi Tails!” Cream cheerfully plopped down on his right. She casually reached under the table and tickled him. “H-Hi Cream…” He blushed. “Havin’ fun there?” Bunnie sat down to his left. Tails picked up his spoon, trying to ignore the girl’s fingers. “Did I ever tell you how adorable ya’ll are?” Teased Bunnie. “Mom says boys like it when you rub them.” The woman nudged Tails. “Well Tails here don’t mind, do ya?” Not sure what to say, he just blushed.
# “Lupe, I called you here to offer an alliance.” Sally sat cross-legged on the floor of the meeting hut. She felt her chances were better if she followed Wolf Pack traditions. “Yes I know. However the Wolf Pack is already well concealed from Robotnik’s prying eyes…” The wolf woman shifted as she sat on the carpet. “So tell me, why should we risk unneccessary exposure?” Sally bit her lip in thought. “We share the same goal, but hiding won’t depose Robotnik. Combining our efforts would-” Lupe held up her hand, “I understand your need to avenge your family, Princess, but the tyrant is not immortal. The Wolf Pack can simply outlast him.” Sally sighed, “If you didn’t think an alliance made sense, why did you answer my letter?” “I didn’t say that.” The wolf rubbed her thighs. “Your help has been very welcome in the past. I simply meant that- Mmm…” Her toes curled. She seemed restless somehow. “… T-That it must benefit us both equally.” Sally paused to think, patiently watching the woman. “Our circumstances are similar. We are both well concealed from Robotnik… so far.” Lupe nodded, “I simply ask you to realize that your fight is a personal matter.” The woman let out a sigh. But it was not frustration. Sally noticed the wolf’s legs shivering. “Are you cold?” “N-No it’s a… personal matter.” “Care to discuss it? After all, you already know about my “personal matter.” The woman blushed. “I-It is… nothing that would concern you.” She panted. The Princess eyed her, “Yet you seem distracted.” Lupe shook her head, “W-well, surely you also deal with your heat from time to time.” Sally blushed. THAT’S why she is fidgeting?? Lupe took a moment to compose herself. “You know, I cannot help being somewhat jealous of you. You already have a fine man to help with such things. Such an energetic hedgehog. It must be nice being a mixed couple.” The Princess looked away, “N-Not as much as you might think.” “There’s someone else then?” Sally put her fingers together in thought. It was an odd question… but also an opportunity. She had to carefully consider her options. This alliance was critical. It was only fair that she might have to give up something in exchange. But… it might mean enduring the same struggle that Lupe faced now. Yes, this was fair. “If there was someone here who could help you with your… personal matter, would that make our alliance equal?” The wolf woman blushed, then looked down. “Princess this isn’t a one-time thing. Planning strategy has been… difficult for me in recent years. Being surrounded by the men of the Wolf Pack, yet unable to risk pregnancy… To be honest, it has been torture.” Sally nodded, “And now I understand why you play the waiting game.” Lupe stared up at the ceiling. “It shames me that I cannot be the leader to my people that you are to yours.” The Princess stood. “You are NOT a bad leader. But nobody truly stands alone. We all need help from time to time.” She held out her hand. “Let us help you be the leader you need to be.” Lupe smiled and took her hand. “Thank you for the kind words, but what… or rather who, are you suggesting?” Sally pulled her to her feet. “I happen to know a certain enthusiastic boy who just entered his puberty. And he is not a wolf.”

# Tails panted into his oatmeal as Cream enthusiastically pumped him under the table. Bunnie grinned. “Can Aunt Bunnie have a turn?” Sally watched the two girls giggling as her friend leaned under the table. “Tails do you have a moment?” The boy went stiff, not daring to turn around. “H-Hi Aunt Sally.” Lupe stepped forward. “I believe we met once.” Bunnie sighed and reluctantly pulled his dick out of her mouth. She tried to smile, “Lupe, hun! It’s been ages!” “We were just playing.” Smiled Cream. The wolf smiled as the nervous boy stood up. “So I see.” Her smile reassured Sally. This might just work after all.
# Sally led Tails to one of the empty huts. “So the Wolf Pack is going to be moving in with us?” He asked. The woman nodded. “Yes, this will be Lupe’s house now.” She handed him some keys. “… And yours as well.” The boy blinked. “I get my OWN HUT??” She kissed him on the forehead. “You’re a big boy now.” “I’m not a freedom fighter yet… am I?” He shuffled his feet hopefully. “Not everybody here is a fighter. But everybody has a job.” “Not me…” pouted Tails. “Well Lupe has a job for you.” The boy hopped excitedly. “She does?” She playfully poked his nose. “Yes, and it’s very important.”
# “I need you to fuck me.” Tails looked back from their window. “Er… what does that mean?” Lupe laughed and sat up from their table. “Sally has never once lied to me. I saw you at breakfast with those girls.” “Oh that.” The boy blushed as the wolf woman began removing her leotard. Lupe saw his penis growing hard and grinned. He was ready. “Um so, what am I supposed to do?” “Lie down” Tails looked around, then climbed onto her bed. The woman licked her lips. Her thighs had been burning for weeks. She climbed over him. Tails stared at her spread legs. He had never seen a woman dripping like that. Suddenly there was a tongue in his mouth as she kissed him deeply. Hot wetness quickly slid down his dick. Lupe frantically humped the boy, making the bed shake. “Well well, ah do declare! Someone sure is havin’ the time of his life!” Bunnie stared from the window. The wolf didn’t slow down. Sally joined her friend at the window. “He’s going to stay with Lupe from now on,” she grinned, “since he’s been so horny lately.” Tails squirmed under the woman. Bunnie bit her lip, “Lookit’ how adorable he is!” Sally unzipped her vest. “Now he can do this every day.” Tails kicked at the air helplessly, but Lupe refused to stop. Bunnie rubbed herself. Sally was pinching her own nipples. Everybody was just watching her fuck him. He gave up struggling. Nobody was going to stop her. In a blissful daze, Lupe pulled herself up, hands pressing down on his shoulders as her hungry pussy squeezed all the cum out of him. Eventually the wolf collapsed on top of him, growling with satisfaction. “Atta boy, Tails!” Cheered Bunnie. He passed out.

# That morning, an amazing smell woke the boy. He sat up and spotted the sizzling bacon and eggs on the table. Tails eagerly flew over. Lupe sat in the other chair with a strangely serene look on her face. “It has been ages since I have felt this way…” She mumbled happily. The boy eagerly pulled some eggs onto his plate. “My thoughts have never been so clear.” She watched him sweetly. “Princess Sally was right. This alliance was a great idea.” The woman stretched and walked out the door. There were plans to be made.
# The strong wolf men of The Pack arrived that afternoon. Bunnie nudged Vanilla. “I bet they fight like nothin’ else!” Vanilla nudged Bunnie. “I bet they fuck like nothing else.” “Oh mah stars!!” The two girls giggled. Bunnie eagerly helped them haul the lumber. It seemed like a new hut appeared every hour.
# Tails sat at a table in the dining hut. “Uh, hi I’m Tails!” “Drago,” replied one of the wolves. Suddenly the boy felt a hand on his shoulder. Looking up, he saw Lupe smiling down at him over her leotard. “This is no place for a boy like you.” She licked her lips. “Come, I have your dinner waiting.”
# Tails found a steak waiting for him on the table of their house. Skipping happily he jumped into the chair. But the other chair remained empty. In fact, he didn’t see Lupe anywhere. Looking around the room, he was startled when her warm tongue started sliding across his dick. “Don’t mind me, boy.” She smiled up at him and pulled the shaft into her mouth. Blushing, he slowly chewed the steak as the most amazing sensations swirled around him. A moment later, the woman stood up leaving the boy painfully stiff. “It will be your turn later.” And with that she quickly sat at her chair and devoured the meal on her plate. Tails barely had time to swallow another bite. She eyed him with a feral intent that made him wonder if he would survive the night.
# The next day, Sally yawned as she stepped out of her hut. She zipped her vest hoping to hide her stiff nipples. Blushing, she glanced around Knothole Village hoping to find Sonic, but he was nowhere to be seen. It looked like she would have to relieve herself again tonight. Suddenly she jumped as a couple fingers slid up between her legs. Behind her, Tails looked up at her with a goofy grin. “Good boy!” said Lupe. Sally bit her lip. The wolf ruffled his hair. “I must say. You have trained him well, Princess.”