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Mastodon Tips
More Info#Adult Friendly ServersBefore the Aethy mastodon server closed, I spent a few days looking for other adult-friendly Mastodon servers. Here’s a list of what I found. Burggit (Allows Loli, Swedish law) (Allows Loli, etc, US laws) (Allows Loli, US laws) freaksonly kinky.
- mastodon
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Sharing Is Not Piracy
More InfoPiracy is TAKING things away, not giving. That’s obvious, right? Burglary: Removal of property. If I give you something, that’s the opposite of taking. The very first time I ever saw the word “piracy” associated with GIVING was the Napster controversy, and I just assumed it was obvious to everybody how transparently greedy that interpretation was.
- History
- Piracy
- Politics
- Psychology
- Sharing
- paywalls
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