This is a story about Link’s mom encouraging him to play with frisky fairies
This story is part of a
2 story set
. With similar themes but different characters. They don’t have any particular order. Just two versions of the same story idea.
Fairy Picnic
Bunny Picnic
These scenarios were inspired by the concept of combining a rape-fantasy with complicit voyeurism. The idea of being ravished while someone else just watches and lets it happen amplifies how exciting the fantasy feels because it adds another layer of “entrapment” to the situation. Nobody is going to help you escape because everybody wants it to happen.
I also made these stories to explore ways to create and use animations in my stories since I has just finished programming an animated portrait system for my textboxes.
This is the first story I created. Their plots are intentionally similar because I thought it would be interesting to compare a few different approaches. Making sprite animation in the lowest practical quality VS highest possible quality. And the difference between how I handle male characters and female characters.
#Making Sprite Animations
The most obvious use for textbox animations is making characters talk, and this alone makes them feel much more lively.
But then I discovered that I could also create some fun reveals using panning.
It makes sense if you think about it. A textbox portrait is kind of like a tiny TV, so of course I can play around with camera movements.
The animation system itself isn’t actually limited to any particular size. I could theoretically display full screen animations. But I’ve also been exploring a bunch of art shortcuts lately. Intentionally limiting the size of sprite art means it takes less work to create and when it comes to animation, less work tends to be very appealing. Another shortcut is to use flat colors instead of shading. The trade-off is that I can make a bunch of smooth animations “relatively quickly.” Animation is notoriously time-consuming. Making all the animations for these test stories still took over a month.
At first I used the same approach that I used in my
Rottytops Demake
experiment. Painstakingly tracing each frame at double size in Photoshop with line-smoothing turned on, shrinking it with bilinear scaling, and then adjusting the contrast to make a crude 1-bit line image, because that was easier to clean up and easier to color. The clean up process still took multiple hours in Aseprite, by far the most time-consuming part of the entire process. Afterwards I could just quickly throw in some flat colors and call it done.
But then I noticed these two features in Aseprite…

I could have been doing all the tracing directly in Aseprite this whole time! My photoshop approach might make sense for quick and dirty anti-aliasing, but it’s overkill for solid single-color lines. And sure enough tracing in Aseprite was much faster, created less messy lines, and resulted in faster clean-up.
Another shortcut I discovered while doing this was that not every animation needs to be a freakin’ Disney production. I can borrow a page from crappy anime and just pan across a large picture, and maybe throw in a tiny amount of animation to hide what I’m doing. These are tiny textbox portraits. Nobody is expecting a cinematic experience from these things. Using this technique I managed to knock out 3 simple “animations” in a single day! … and they actually look pretty nice.
Of course experimenting with all these shortcuts feeds my impatience, which encourages my bad habit of tracing pictures to create sprites. But on the plus side, I get to recommend all these awesome artists!
#Loli VS Shota
The other half of this experiment was comparing the differences in how I treat male and female characters in the same situations. To examine this, I created two versions of the same story. One with a boy and one with a girl.
With girl characters I want to see them feeling horny and ultimately enjoying sex as intensely as possible. Aggressor characters are just convenient ways to cause this, but it could just as easily be something like tentacles. It accomplishes the same goal.
Sequence of events:
girl surprised by stimulus → horny and overwhelmed → happy sex pet
With straight-shota I imagine myself as the boy characters, so I like to make the situations more rough. I’m indifferent about whether the boy character “consents” because they’re just a vehicle for the audience to experience the situation from, so I’m only interested in seeing them being pursued and ravished by beautiful women as aggressively as possible.
Sequence of events:
surprised boy struggles → horny instinctive humping → afterglow
It’s a difference of perspective, but in both cases my focus is on the female characters’ actions and feelings. You could theoretically swap the genders to appeal to an opposite audience.
But comparing the two approaches, there is actually a surprising amount of similarity between them. So in theory I could make slight adjustments to a straight-shota story to make it more fun for an audience that likes boys. Just show the boy’s horny reactions more and make sure he is happy at the end. I could also make the loli story more fun for a female audience by making the girl struggle more at first. The only other difference is how human the aggressors look. I have a personal hang-up where I can’t stand seeing grown men pursuing girls, so I always use animals instead, but in theory a more human looking male aggressor might be fun eye-candy for some people.
But there are also other possible approaches:
This picture works both ways. People who relate to the boy feel loved by the woman’s attention, and people who like seeing boys have a fun reaction to look at.
Art by Muraosamu
Happy sex is a less intense situation because it lacks the concept of being cornered, but it is more reassuring for every audience.
Art by ArdanNorgate
#Viewpoint-Based Rape Fantasies
I say “viewpoint-based” because a rape fantasy might theoretically be approached from the perspective of the recipient or the perspective of the aggressor. But I struggle to comprehend the aggressor viewpoint, so I have no useful insights about that approach.
But if you relate to a character, imagining yourself in their place, then you simply experience the situation as yourself from their vantage point. But you take your own preferences along with you. Older women are used in straight-shota scenarios to suit the older audience’s preferences. They also help create an authority imbalance to put the viewpoint character into a sexy situation.
If a viewpoint character “does not consent,” it doesn’t matter because the audience is only experiencing their own feelings, not the character’s. The author designs the viewpoint character and designs their reactions for the sole purpose of leading a story to a satisfying situation for its intended audience. “Rape” fantasies accommodate the audience at the seeming expense of the viewpoint character, but that’s just an illusion. Stories are always planned in advance by their authors.
That’s why it doesn’t feel like rape when sex occurs in a “rape” fantasy. Ironically the key to making these fantasies work is making them feel nothing like actual rape. It might be presented AS rape, but the audience is not fearing for their lives. Instead the feelings you experience are more like being cornered by someone beautiful and horny. Being desired by someone you like is actually a comforting feeling. You feel wanted. And enthusiastic sex is the most exciting kind of sex.
#Image Sources
Images Used
Frankenstein reference
Overall pose
Created by: PumpkinSpiceLatte
Link's pose
Created by: Unknown artist
Link's expression
Created by: Crade
Face expression
Created by: FrozeSolidFox
Fairy pose
Created by: Fluffy
Fairy pose
Created by: Karbo
Overall pose
Created by: PinkShonen
Overall pose
Created by: Beowulf1117
Overall pose
Created by: Viroa
Overall pose
Created by: Blue Gale
Frankenstein reference
Fairy pose
Created by: Miyama Amehiko
A better butt
Created by: Unknown artist
Created by: Ryo Agawa